Tyler Hazlett

Profile Views: 1046
Sport: Boy's Baseball
HS Grad Year: 2016
Recruitment Status: Committed
Position 1: Catcher
Position 2: Pitcher
Ht. / Wt.: 5' 11'' / 160 lbs.
School Jersey #: 5
Club Jersey #: 5
School: Temple City High School
Location: Temple City, CA
Club Team: Trosky Baseball So Cal
Other Sports: Football
GPA: 3.45
ACT: 20
Transcript: N/A

Height: 5' 11''
Weight: 160 lbs.
Athletic Awards: Freshman and Sophomore Scholar Athlete
Freshman defensive Player of the Year
Junior Varsity Most Valuable Player of the Year
Varsity Defensive Player of the Year
Second Team All League Rio Hondo