Posts Tagged “High school Soccer”

1. Why did you decide to sign with Hesston College?

They actually found me–and it was a blessing! The soccer coach found me on I decided to sign my letter of intent with Hesston College for many reasons. I wanted to attend a small college–most of my friends were going to OSU or U of O, both sporting over 25,000 students. Hesston only has 450 students enrolled. I wanted the lifetime experience of attending a school in a different state, a different geographical location, and I wanted to experience something that I have never experienced before. Hesston had everything I wanted all wrapped up in a bow.

2. Describe the excitement you feel about becoming a college student-athlete?

Excitement, are you kidding? It was beyond excitement, beyond words. I wish everyone could experience the thrill that I had when I heard that I received not only a soccer scholarship, but an opportunity grant on top of it. I was delighted. My dream was not only to attend college, but to also play soccer. This is a huge dream come true for me!

3. What advice would you give to other athletes looking to get recruited?

Don’t give up. Start early with having your parents videotape your games. If possible take only about 10 minutes of total video and some still shots and add some stats and facts about yourself. Don’t let anyone take your dream away from you and if one coach doesn’t think you have the skills or the speed, don’t let them discourage you. Sometimes their judgment of your abilities could be wrong, so keep practicing, training, stay clean and keep up your schoolwork. Eventually your hard work will pay off.

4. Who has been the biggest influence in your sports career and why?

Probably my parents–they went to every single game and practice, washed my practice gear, and made sure I had every opportunity to achieve my dream goal of playing college soccer.

5. What would you like to accomplish during your college sports career?

I would love to be picked up by a 4-year school. Currently, I will be playing for Hesston College in Kansas, which is only a 2-year private school. I would love to play for a D-3 or D-2 school; because of my height I doubt that I will be able to play D-1. But for now I am good, and am happy that I’m playing!


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1. Why did you decide to sign with Tennessee Wesleyan College?

I loved the campus and location. They have the degree I am pursuing: Exercise Science. I really liked the soccer Coach (Naomi) and the girls I met on the team were awesome. I could also play starting my freshman year and that’s huge. Overall I could see myself really happy there for 4 years.

2. Describe the excitement you feel about becoming a college student-athlete?

I have had dreams of progressing in my game of soccer and this is another step on my ladder. I am so proud that all my hard work has paid off and I want to keep working hard the next four years in developing further, and I hope maybe to continue playing after college. Who knows? National team, Olympic team, play abroad professionally or in the US – anything is possible.

3. What advice would you give to other athletes looking to get recruited?

I would make sure you are on the right club team to get noticed. You need to market yourself. Reach out to colleges that interest you and don’t give up. Keep working hard in the classroom and on the pitch.

4. Who has been the biggest influence in your sports career and why?

There are a lot of influences but I love Abbey Wambach. She is so awesome, not only as a dominant soccer player but as a role model for young women and a great leader on the US team.

5. What would you like to accomplish during your college sports career?

I want to earn a starting spot and I would like to be a person that is there for my teammates. I would like to win championships, of course, and improve my game to earn the opportunity to take my game to the next level after college.


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1. Why did you decide to sign with East Texas Baptist University?

I chose this school not only because it is a great opportunity to play college soccer, but I can get a good education as well. Playing soccer and having a passion for Christ made it hard to find a school that satisfied my desire for a religion major and the chance to play at the next level…ETBU has provided that.

2. Describe the excitement you feel about becoming a college student-athlete?

It’s every young soccer players dream to just be able to say that they are a collegiate athlete, and to be able to say that they have competed at the next level. Just getting the opportunity to be able to say that is a blessing. I am just excited to hit the pitch and help my new teammates out in whatever way I can and in whatever position I can.

3. What advice would you give to other athletes looking to get recruited?

To other athletes that are looking to be recruited, I would say that you have to put yourself out there. Annoy the coaches until they almost have to come watch you play a game just so that you will shut up, make them know that you’re not just interested in playing college ball, but that you’re interested in the school. One more piece of advice is to always work hard. There are coaches out there watching, if you’re good enough and you are working your butt o ff, they will find you.

4. Who has been the biggest influence in your sports career and why?

The most influential person in my sports career would have to be my club coach. He’s the one that always believed in me and gave me the chance to show people that I could play. He allowed me to grow, not only as a soccer player, but as a person as well. Not only did he teach me the game, he taught me life too.

5. What would you like to accomplish during your college sports career?

There’s no amount of accolades or specific things that I am looking to accomplish for myself. Yes, I want to help my team win, and yes, we’ll be looking for that conference championship, but more than that, I want to accomplish in bringing glory to God on and off the pitch. If I do that, everything else will fall into place naturally.


Over the last five years SportsForce Recruiting has helped over 1,000 student-athletes and families successfully navigate the college recruiting and athletic scholarship process while saving families on average $50,000 in college expenses.

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1. Why did you decide to sign with Brookhaven?

Because it was their second year of starting up the program again, and I wanted to be able to help start something new. I knew it would be a great experience and a great opportunity to play with a great college and with an awesome coach!

2. Describe the excitement you feel about becoming a college student-athlete?

I feel very excited! It’s a crazy feeling knowing you’re part of showing what your college is made of, and what great players and teams you have. I’m excited to show what the soccer players of Brookhaven can do.

3. What advice would you give to other athletes looking to get recruited?

To look and try hard. If the school you want to go to doesn’t want you, keep on trying because you’ll find something better and you won’t even regret it. Always keep your head up, because if coaches don’t come to you, then you GO to them. There’s something out there for everyone. You just have to work for it.

4. Who has been the biggest influence in your sports career and why?

The biggest influence in my life would have to be my family. They’ve always supported me. When coaches or teammates didn’t think I was good enough, they were always there to back me up and make me remember, WHO CARES what people think, as long as I know I’m good then I’ll keep doing what I love to do: Play soccer. If it wasn’t for them I would have given up when I had the chance. But just look at me now, I’m a COLLEGIATE ATHLETE!

5. What would you like to accomplish during your college sports career?

I want to play harder than I have ever played. I want new comers to know who I am once I’m done playing for Brookhaven. I want people, kids, girls, whoever to look up to me and be like “She never gave-up, even when she was so weak she came back up to the top.” I don’t want people to be just like me, I just want them to not give up because if they don’t they could become WAY better then me. I’m willing to make a change and believe in those soccer players who don’t have anyone to tell them “to keep going,” because I know how that feels. I wouldn’t want anyone to go through what I did, because no one deserves to be put down from reaching their dreams.


Over the last five years SportsForce Recruiting has helped over 1,000 student-athletes and families successfully navigate the college recruiting and athletic scholarship process while saving families on average $50,000 in college expenses.

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1. Why did you decide to sign with SUNY Cortland?

I live in Alaska, but I have high family morals. So I decided to live near my extended family in New York over other, more glamorous places, like Washington State. Cortland’s soccer program is not the best in the area, but they have my major. I will try out and try to achieve my dreams of playing collegiate soccer.

2. Describe the excitement you feel about becoming a college student-athlete?

I can’t wait to try out for the team. I have always been the best player on my team because there are not very many soccer players in Alaska. In Seward, I had to spend my entire senior season practicing indoors because there was too much snow on the field to play outside. Here in Cortland, I will be able to play an entire season outdoors, which is how the game should be played. Being around people that genuinely love the game will only enhance my drive and competitiveness.

3. What advice would you give to other athletes looking to get recruited?

Talk to the coaches wherever you want to go. Make sure you have a positive attitude. If they see that you really want to be a part of their team, they will embrace you and recruit you because of your character. Skill will get you on their radar, but character is what makes them want you. Coaches don’t want someone who will always be a distraction.

4. Who has been the biggest influence in your sports career and why?

My father was my soccer coach when I was young and he has always been there for me. This year he drove hours out of his way and missed work just to see me play. Even when it was obvious our team was going to get stomped, he found ways to find the positives. He is why I keep my head up. I couldn’t imagine a better father figure.

5. What would you like to accomplish during your college sports career?

I would like to prove to everybody that small school players can play too. My team the last three years had only ten players and I helped bring them to relevance. My coach said I scored the most goals in Seward history. I want to make that kind of impact here. Seeing that my teammates will be better, I want to be known more as more of a playmaker. Most importantly, I want to say that I helped SUNY Cortland’s soccer program, since they’re not known as a major soccer school.


Over the last five years SportsForce Recruiting has helped over 1,000 student-athletes and families successfully navigate the college recruiting and athletic scholarship process while saving families on average $50,000 in college expenses.

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1. Why did you decide to sign with Citrus College?

Because the coaching staff is excellent and the program has a bright future ahead of it.

2. Describe the excitement you feel about becoming a college student-athlete?

Becoming a student athlete was both exciting and nerve wrecking, just because of the fact that I knew I would have to be 110% committed to this program and the school. But for the most part I was excited; being on a new team with a whole bunch of different people was exciting. I was ready to get to the next level.

3. What advice would you give to other athletes looking to get recruited?

I would tell other athletes to be focused on their studies and athletic career. Make the right choices in school. Don’t follow the crowd; be yourself, it’ll lead you to being successful. Make everything count, both in school and in your sport. You never know when someone important is watching you.

4. Who has been the biggest influence in your sports career and why?

My biggest influence has been my father and my high school coaching staff. My dad has been very supportive; he was there for me when I needed it. As for my coaching staff, they told me it was possible when I thought it wasn’t. They helped me through every obstacle and prepared me to get to the next level. I can not thank them enough for believing in me.

5. What would you like to accomplish during college sports career?

I would like to be the best I can be, win a conference championship, and make it far in state. I want to hopefully get noticed by a school and get a scholarship.


Over the last five years SportsForce Recruiting has helped over 1,000 student-athletes and families successfully navigate the college recruiting and athletic scholarship process while saving families on average $50,000 in college expenses.

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