Mackenzie Groark

Profile Views: 335
Sport: Girl's Lacrosse
HS Grad Year: 2014
Recruitment Status: Signed
Position 1: Defense
Position 2: Midfield
Ht. / Wt.: 5' 7'' / 135 lbs.
School Jersey #: 20
Club Jersey #: 8
School: Delran High School
Location: Delran, NJ
Club Team: South Jersey Select pink 14
Other Sports: Soccer , Basketball
GPA: 4.36
Transcript: Yes
I enjoy a challenge and find the competition very rewarding but the best part is having fun on the field

HS Grad Year: 2014
Current Grade / Level: Graduated
Overall GPA: 4.36
Transcript Available: Yes
Honors Classes: Honors Algebra 2, Honors Spanish 2, Honors Geometry, Honors World History, Honors Biology
AP Classes: AP Biology
Extracurricular activities: SADD, Student Council
Desired Major: undecided
High School: Delran High School
School City: Delran
School State / Province: New Jersey
School Country: United States