James Stafford
Profile Views: 207
Sport: Boy's Baseball
HS Grad Year: 2011
Recruitment Status: Undecided
Position 1: Center Field
Position 2: Outfield
Ht. / Wt.: 5' 10'' / 165 lbs.
School Jersey #: 14
Club Jersey #: 20
School: Canyon Crest Academy
Location: San Diego, CA
Club Team: San Diego Gamers 39
Other Sports:
GPA: 4.07
SAT: 2050
ACT: 31
Transcript: Yes
As a student, learning is a passion of mine and I enjoy the mental challenges that a rigorous AP course load offers. As an athlete, I enjoy the competition, as well as the mental and physical demands that playing a sport requires. Being a student athlete is very gratifying to me because I like expanding my mind and challenging my body to perform its best.
Describe Your Playing Style?: |
On a baseball field I play assertively and aggressively. One major asset of mine is that I am quick and run 60 yards in 6.66 seconds. As a centerfielder this speed comes alive as a because of my quick reflexes and that I read the ball off of the bat very quickly. I am able to cover large amounts of territory in the outfield and assist the other outfield positions. My speed also very helpful in running the bases and I frequently bunt and steal. Last season I stole 12 for 14 bases. The unique skill sets that I acquired from baseball and quick reflexes and speed from 9 years of competitive soccer have helped develop me into a more skilled baseball player. |
Personal Statement: |
As a student, learning is a passion of mine and I enjoy the mental challenges that a rigorous AP course load offers. As an athlete, I enjoy the competition, as well as the mental and physical demands that playing a sport requires. Being a student athlete is very gratifying to me because I like expanding my mind and challenging my body to perform its best. |
Other activites and interests: |
Music: trumpet, clarinet, guitar. Volunteering Church Youth Group,confirmation, volunteering with Teens in Action. SD Cotillion: etiquette and ballroom dance lessons. Watching nature, science and history documentaries. Playing strategic board and video games. |