Phoebe Yue

Profile Views: 1061
Sport: Girl's Golf
HS Grad Year: 2018
Recruitment Status: Committed
Position 1:
Position 2:
Ht. / Wt.: 5' 5'' / 125 lbs.
School Jersey #:
Club Jersey #:
School: Collingwood School
Location: West Vancouver, BC
Club Team:
Other Sports:
GPA: 3.8
Transcript: Yes
Having competitively golfed now for almost three years, I continue to develop my golf game with the aim of joining a top NCAA division one collegiate golf program.

First Name: Phoebe
Last Name: Yue
Preferred Name: Phubby
Date of Birth: 03-29-2000
Age: 24
Gender: Female
School: Collingwood School
HS Grad Year: 2018
Ht. / Wt: 5' 5'' / 125 lbs.
Country: Canada
Mother's First Name: Maggie
Mother's Last Name: Ma
Mother's / Guardian Phone: 6049618229
Father's First Name: Eric
Father's Last Name: Yue
Father's / Guardian Phone: 7789608229