David Newbanks

Profile Views: 181
Sport: Boy's Baseball
HS Grad Year: 2021
Recruitment Status: Committed
Position 1: Left Field
Position 2: Outfield
Ht. / Wt.: 6' 4'' / 205 lbs.
School Jersey #: 24
Club Jersey #: 24
School: Our Lady of Providence
Location: Clarksville, IN
Club Team: Legends Marucci Founders Club
Other Sports: Football , Basketball
GPA: 3.51
Transcript: Yes
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Matthew 7:12

HS Grad Year: 2021
Current Grade / Level: Senior
Overall GPA: 3.51
Transcript Available: Yes
Transcript: Click to view transcript
NCAA Eligibility ID #: 2005866211
Honors Classes: Honors Algebra 1, Honors English 9, Honors Geometry, Honors, Biology, Spanish 1 Honors, English 10 Honors, Algebra 2 Honors, Spanish 2 Honors, and Pre-Calc and Trig Honors
AP Classes: Spanish 3 ACP and Communications 101 Ivy Tech
Academic Honors: Working for Academic Honors Diploma
Extracurricular activities: Sprinting, Yoga, Conditioning
Desired Major: Finance, Accounting, or Physical Therapy
Career Ambition: Finance or Accounting
High School: Our Lady of Providence
Enrollment (total # of kids that attend school): Approximately 4
School Phone: 812.981.2538
School Address: 707 Providence Way
School City: Clarksville
School State / Province: Indiana
School Country: United States
School Postal Code: 47129