Daniel Shaul

Profile Views: 472
Sport: Boy's Baseball
HS Grad Year: 2022
Recruitment Status: Committed
Position 1: Pitcher
Position 2: First Base
Ht. / Wt.: 6' / 185 lbs.
School Jersey #: 23
Club Jersey #: 43
School: La Jolla Country Day
Location: La Jolla, CA
Club Team: TB SoCal
Other Sports:
GPA: 3.88/4.21
ACT: 32
Transcript: Yes
Baseball is much more than the sport I play; it is a metaphor for the effort I give in my life and has provided me with a formula that helps me overcome any adversity that I face. I am passionate about this sport: playing it, the complexities of the game, the minutiae, and its important role in American history.

Describe Your Playing Style?: On the mound I try to use pitch choice (I have 4), velocity (12 mph difference between fastball and change-up), and placement to maximize my arm's utility. Not always a max effort pitcher, so I can go longer into the game as a starter. Dedicated and focused, intent on making adjustments as needed. Love the camaraderie and the commitment of my teammates.
Personal Statement: Baseball is much more than the sport I play; it is a metaphor for the effort I give in my life and has provided me with a formula that helps me overcome any adversity that I face. I am passionate about this sport: playing it, the complexities of the game, the minutiae, and its important role in American history.
Other activites and interests: I'm usually playing baseball or working out/training for baseball. But when I'm not, I like to fish, build, and make home repairs. I'm a Marketing/Communications ambassador for my school, which means I work with administrators to help them get a sense of student needs. I'm also part of the school's Youth advisory council, which is also a means for faculty, staff, and administrators to ask for student input. I have plans to volunteer with a local cardiologist, helping him to screen student athletes for heart problems once the lifting of COVID-19 orders make this possible. During the pandemic I started a company--DS Custom Lures--and have started to sell fishing lures to a few customers.
Who's been the biggest influence on my sports career and why?: There's no question that my father has been the greatest influence on my baseball career. While he stopped playing baseball in ninth grade, we share the same kind of drive and perseverance. He has always been willing to practice with me, no matter what else he had planned. There were days when I wanted to practice my hitting if I didn't do well after a game--or if I just wanted to warm up at the local field before going to a weekend/summer/club game. No matter what, he always took me to the cages or the field, throwing an infinite number of BP tosses, working with me at all of my positions over the years, and being the guinea pig in the batter's box when I tried out my new pitches.
About Me: I have loved baseball since I first picked up a glove when I was 4. Even my first word was "ball." At first I played every position--I would switch from catcher to pitcher to first base to outfield, wherever the coach needed me. Once I got older (around 11), the coaches put me as a lefty at first and outfield, and I have always loved pitching. It's exciting for me to be involved in the game; I enjoy the pressure of being a reliever and the adrenaline of being a starter.
Twitter Link: @danieljshaul
Instagram Link: _daniel_shaul_
Social Networking Site Link: daniel.shaul23 (sc)